PNC Digital

4 Tools to Optimize Page Speed for SEO and Web Developers

Many virtual users that have set up their blogs or business websites on the internet are willing to do anything to direct organic traffic towards their website. But because of the ever growing virtual competition on the internet, there are millions of other sites that have the same webpage content as yours — the only thing that separates your rankings, depends on how well you constructed your site.

Web Developing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) concepts are often difficult to use in order to meet up the needs of their potential users. The reason being is that many of these techniques change after a short period of time, so there is no permanent method that can solve SEO and Web developers issues in one go. Upgrading of websites is a constant job — but not all techniques change in a short amount of time. One such example is page speed optimization.

What exactly is page speed? It is basically the amount of time it takes to load all the content of any particular webpage. Enhancing the page speed of your website is an essential part of upgrading your webpage and making it in one of the top results that come in the search engine.

You must have noticed that people get easily annoyed when it takes more than a few seconds for a page to load. Most even end up closing the page entirely and never bother to open the link again. Google wants to make it easier and efficient for virtual users to get what they want which is exactly why page speed matters. It is one of the main factors that Google looks for in websites in order to let them be at the top of the search results. In short, the slower your web page speed is, the lower your rank will be in the search engine.

If you are a dedicated worker and want the content on your webpage to be recognized, then improve your web page speed.

In order not to waste away your hard work and investment on your website, make sure that you can get the necessary tools that can optimize the speed page for SEO and Web Developers and fortunately for you, we here can provide you with some assistance in that matter.


One tool that provides you with great insight about your webpage performance is Pingdom. Another great thing that it provides you with is that it monitors the page speed and at the same time, also offers speed optimization scores for your webpage.

It even has root cause analysis options which allow you to get to the source of any error within your website and adequately resolves the issue so that it prevents it from occurring again. It also filters out any fake alerts and notifies only when there is a serious incident taking place within your site.

If we could name one minor drawback about it is that the fact that it is not for free. A monthly fee of about $14.95 up to $199 is needed in order to use the full potential of this tool.

However, this tool is worth the investment if you are constantly changing and upgrading the contents within your webpage. Using the tool to keep the webpage speed and any potential occurring errors in check is highly beneficial for your website in the long run.


If you want to improve the overall quality, including the webpage speed, of your website then this automated tool called Lighthouse is your best bet.

It is easily available as it is an open source tool, you can use it for any webpage be it private or public to gain an authentication. When you use this tool through the Chrome DevTools, you will come to know of its auditing capabilities. It inspects the performance, progress and the availability of any webpage and many more features as well which can significantly enhance the webpage speed.

Another great feature that it provides is that it runs audits on the webpage content that generates specific examples and solutions you can opt to fix the issue followed by a doc that explains the entire process on what the issue is and how to fix it.


A prominent web performance tool, YSlow is another efficient tool that helps to upgrade the quality of any webpage.

One of the initial steps to using this tool is by first downloading a browser extension. It’s a great tool as it gives a review about the performance of the real time information and active website page. It also provides you with several statistical date that can help you understand the core workings of your site and how they affect its performance. You can get a lot of data through this tool and offers you solutions on any occurring problems that might develop in your site at any given time.

Plus you can even get additional insights about your webpage as this tool is originally based on Yahoo! rather than most other tools which are based on Google.


GTMetrix is an efficient and a free registered tool for getting page speed optimization to work as effectively as possible.

It’s also one of the fastest ways you can gain data about your webpage. All you have to do is insert your URL link in to its text bar and when you press analyze; it will merely take a matter of seconds for all of your webpage information to appear within your reach.

These reports are provided in detail — the review offers overall data including the clues about webpage loading problems or bottlenecks. These particular clues are found at the lower part of the report page where there are individual scores for specific features which are responsible for the performance of webpage load speed. Improving these scores can result in a remarkable increase in your webpage loading speed.