PNC Digital

Fixing your Sales Funnel with Conversion Centric Web Design Rules

Sales, sales, sales! Thats what all businessmen aim for, and for that reason, one makes investments on corporate web design in order to build customers; however, many businessmen fail at this point since they focus mainly on colors and its functionality ignoring whether the design is convertible or not.

If we talk about conversion centric web design, then its important for you to understand what your prospective customers are looking for. There is a direct relationship between your web design and business success, and therefore, it can be said that it has a direct impact on your business.

Do you know 72% of websites receive a failing grade of 59 or lower? Shocked, Right? Still the business owners must realize how important CCD (Conversion Centric Design) is. The main reason behind the failure of a web design is that the websites CTA (Call To Action) points have been ignored, left out or unclear to the users.

As your business sales depend on your customers, so you have to make sure that your web design clicks the customers brain. Certain CCD principles have been formed (based on customers psychology) that can guarantee the customers attraction consequently resulting in sales.

1. Encapsulation Technique

It is a common phenomenon that whenever we see any unique object, our attention diverts towards that particular object. Encapsulation is the same technique in which you can place strong vibrant shapes and visuals to capture your users attention. This is mostly done to make the CTA prominent.

2. Contrast and Color Scheme

Colors carry certain feelings and messages with them. Its not just a web design; it has complete influence on the human psychology. When it comes to your web design, you need to analyze which color scheme will be the most suitable for it. For example, if your web design is based on grey and black text on a white background, then you can try adding some other color to it so that it can easily catch your users attention.

Check out the common color psychological impact on users:

3. Directional Cues or Indicators

Directional cues normally help people in finding their ways. Same technique can also be used in your web design. Directional cues like arrows can be placed in your design that can instruct the users about their actual goal or target (CTA). This technique can also be used for compelling your user to move towards your desired landing page. Isnt it?

4. Whitespace Magic

Anything that appears on, in or with a white color becomes the center of attraction.

Dont worry! Its just an image. You might be wondering at the reason I used a bug image, right? I just wanted you to imagine that how this small bug has captured your attention on this whitespace. Now think about the hundreds and thousands of users who are visiting your website on a daily basis, are they finding any point of attraction on your site? The answer is: No!

Utilizing the available whitespace on your website is the best practice to make your CTAs noticeable.
5. Rule of Urgency and Scarcity

Rule of urgency and scarcity is one of the most effective techniques especially for an ecommerce business. Probably most of you have gone through online shopping websites where you might find buttons such as BUY NOW!, What are you waiting for?, Only 3 tickets left, Hurry!!!!!. Such terms are known as the statements of urgency and scarcity.

These statements are usually used to push the consumers to purchase that product or service. If your website is missing it, you might be making a big mistake.

6. Try Before you Buy

When it comes to business web design, you need to make your customers fully aware about the products and services you are offering. Give users a brief overview of what you are selling in the form of PDF or a blog post.

7. Social Proof and Enhancing Me too Factor

Whenever you see a large crowd standing outside a store, you might think that something new is going around which is attracting people, isnt it? You need to do the same thing with your web design. Either the design you execute must pull them in or the level of service you provide must cater to their trust. Both are marketable points in their right. The ideal business website achieves a good balance between both.

You can gain your customers trust by showing activity which is going around your brand like number of downloads, registrants, testimonials, social shares and more. When a user views such numbers, it creates a Me too factor.

These are some simple CCD rules that can give your business the desired conversions, once they are done properly. It is a one-time investment, so you need to take decisions wisely while selecting a designer for your project. This investment can be transformed into million dollars or might result in a bad bankrupt. However, these CCD principles will help you in finalizing your web design.