
Social media is all the rage today. As new platforms spring up and the existing ones release new updates every now and then, a social media manager who knows their craft and is up to date on these developments has become a golden commodity. Businesses are heavily dependent on social media to market themselves in front of an audience they can’t physically reach. To achieve their goals, they have to nail it when it comes to choosing the right social media platform or deciding the types of social media posts that would bring the maximum engagement.

Different types of social media posts

If it was up to me, naming all the different types of social media posts would be a party game – whoever names the most wins. It all started with text status, then images, then videos, then Live, then short-form videos and the innovation is ongoing.

But a typical marketing strategy doesn’t need to rely on all of them. They have to narrow it down to a few of them that would resonate with their target audience.

Choosing the right type of social media post includes several considerations, like the brand’s identity, target audience, and marketing goals. Here are the 5 types of social media posts that work for every brand irrespective of their marketing objectives.

1.  Short form videos

Social media users these days are spending their time engaging with short video content, be it Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, TikTok, or Snapchat. From a marketing perspective, they bring in massive engagement.

This has a reason. An average human’s attention span in this day and age is just 8.25 seconds. Whatever doesn’t end in that time is going to lose people.

That’s why short videos are as big as they are today and why all social media platforms have now made them a major part of their plans. There’s data showing that Instagram’s algorithm favors Reels over pictures and other content types. They are also the best tool to increase your reach.

For businesses, Reels and Shorts have revolutionized the way they connect with their audience. This format offers a unique opportunity to create engaging, shareable, and effective content in a short span of time. Let’s look at the best practices of each short-form video type:

Instagram Reels

Keep it concise and engaging: Instagram Reels are most effective when they are quick, visually appealing, and packed with value. So, hit the customers with the most important information in the first few seconds.

Use popular music and sounds: Incorporate trending music or sounds to increase discoverability. Instagram’s algorithm often promotes Reels that use popular audio.

Add text overlays: Use text to highlight key points or to guide viewers to better understand the content.

Leverage hashtags and descriptions: Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase the reach. Write compelling descriptions to enhance engagement.

Engage with the audience: Respond to comments and engage with viewers to build a community around your content. You can use Instagram Collabs to allow your customers to create reals with the brand.

YouTube Shorts

Optimize for vertical viewing: YouTube Shorts should be shot in a 9:16 aspect ratio to take full advantage of the mobile screen. Like Reels, it is important to start with a strong hook. The first 2-3 seconds are crucial in retaining viewers.

Add captions: Many viewers watch videos without sound, so adding captions ensures your message is understood.

Use clear and concise titles: The titles should be short, descriptive, and include keywords that help with SEO.


Embrace trends: TikTok is the place to find all cool Gen Z people. The key here is to participate in popular trends that can boost your content’s visibility. TikTok thrives on authentic, relatable content. Don’t worry too much about perfection; focus on being genuine and engaging.

Engage with the community: Use TikTok’s duet and stitch features to interact with other users’ content, creating a more engaging and community-oriented experience.

Leverage hashtags: Use trending and relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience. TikTok’s algorithm heavily relies on hashtags for content distribution.

Sephora is really killing it when it comes to using short-form videos for marketing. The company uses Instagram Reels and TikTok to share beauty tips, tutorials, and product highlights. Their content is visually appealing, educational, and directly connects with their target audience.


2.  Live videos

Live videos offer a unique and engaging way for businesses to connect with their audience in real-time. According to Statista, almost 30% of internet users worldwide watched live-streaming content every week between October and December 2023.

Live videos are the types of posts that are effective for a number of occasions. You want to launch a product? Go live. You want to announce a new sale? Go live. You are releasing a new video? Set live premier. This marketing strategy not only generates excitement but also allows people to prepare for the event. Here are 7 ways businesses can incorporate live videos in their marketing:

  1. Webinars: Host live webinars to share industry insights, product updates, or educational content. Encourage real-time interaction with viewers through Q&A sessions.
  2. Interviews and video podcasts: Stream interviews with experts, influencers, or team members. It’s a great way to showcase your brand’s personality and build trust.
  • Product demos and how-tos: Use live video to demonstrate your product features, answer common questions, and provide helpful tips. Engage viewers through live chat.
  1. Conferences and keynotes: Stream in-person conferences or company events to a wider audience. Pre-promote the event and create a buzz with teasers.
  2. Product launches: Generate excitement by live-streaming product launches. It’s more engaging than traditional announcements and stays on top of followers’ feeds.
  3. Live Sales and e-commerce: Convert viewers into buyers by showcasing products in real-time. Integrate with e-commerce platforms for direct purchases.
  • Corporate communications: Use live video for town halls, company news, and feature releases. It fosters teamwork and keeps employees informed.

3.  Images


A lot of people these days think posts with static images have lost their charm. But is that true?  No. Among all the different types of social media content categories, visuals are still supreme.

  • Images have the second-highest ROI after videos.
  • Visual content marketing is gaining immense value and is expected to touch the value of $10.6 billion by 2024
  • Social media posts with images get 150% more engagement (as per Sproutworth) compared to those without them.

These posts could be infographics, photos from an event, graphics, product details, etc. The possibilities are immense with visual marketing. However, you have to follow the best practices for maximum engagement.

Align with brand identity: The visual you are using in your posts should align with your brand’s personality, values, and overall aesthetic. The color palette should be consistent with all your branding elements so that it reinforces your brand identity. Finally, choose a typography that complements your brand’s personality and is easy to read.

Prioritize high-quality imagery: We all want our pictures to be of top-notch quality and with perfect lighting. The same goes for social media. The best social media marketing posts are the ones with HD images. High-quality imagery reinforces brand trust and establishes its credibility as a professional business that is committed to quality. As a brand, you should invest in professional-grade equipment or hire a photographer to ensure high-resolution images.

Tell a story: A visual narrative is all about storytelling. These types of posts are your chance to evoke emotions through visually impactful imagery that connects with your audience on a deeper level. You should incorporate your brand’s story into your visuals to create a more personal connection with your audience.


Optimize for social media platforms: Every social media platform has different dimensions for visuals. You have to make sure that your photos fit those dimensions so that they don’t appear cropped when opened by users. Be mindful to use appropriate file formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG) to maintain image quality and compatibility.

4.  Podcasts

Podcasts offer a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with their audience on a deeper level, build trust, and drive engagement. People are legit crazy about podcasts these days, and both individuals and brands are cashing in on this frenzy.

As of August 2024, there are around 4.18 million podcasts all over the world. The best part? 47% of Gen Z listen to a podcast each month, and 28% almost every day as per Here’s how you can up your podcast marketing game:

Brand storytelling: Use podcasts to share your brand’s story, mission, and values in a more personal and relatable way. This is how you build a deeper connection with your audience.

Expert interviews and thought leadership: To establish yourself as an industry leader, you can do interviews with industry experts, thought leaders, or influencers. This positions your company as an authority in your field, attracting a targeted audience interested in your niche.

Educational content: Any content that adds value for users is an instant hit. You can use your podcasts to offer insights, tips, and how-to guides related to your product.

Collaborative episodes: Collaboration can immensely increase the reach of your social media marketing. You can partner with other brands or podcast hosts for cross-promotion. This expands your reach to new audiences and strengthens your brand’s network within the industry.

5.  Interactive content

Ever since Buzz Feed built an empire around its funky quizzes, interactive content has seen a boom in brands’ social media marketing plans. Everyone wants to keep their customers hooked through quizzes, polls, puzzles, and other interactive content. Now, with the development of AI and facial filters it has opened another avenue for businesses to entice their customers through personalized and interactive content. Here’s how a business can market through interactive content:

Quizzes and surveys: Create quizzes related to your products or industry that entertain or educate your audience. Surveys can be used to gather customer feedback or insights into their preferences.

Interactive infographics: Develop infographics that allow users to explore data, click through different sections, or reveal hidden information. This makes complex data more engaging and easier to digest.

Calculators: Financial and business websites can offer calculators or tools that provide personalized results, such as a mortgage calculator for a real estate business or a skin type assessment for a skincare brand. These tools can provide value and drive conversions.

Polls and interactive stories: Engage your audience with polls on social media or create interactive stories where users can vote on the outcome. This increases user participation and keeps them invested in your content.

The most popular social media posts are the ones that can be easily viewed on smartphones. It is important for interactive content to be optimized for mobile devices. A significant portion of people interact with social media on smartphones, so it is important that your polls or maps are responsive to various screen sizes for maximum engagement. It is vital to test your interactive content on different devices and browsers to ensure they function seamlessly before releasing them.

While designing interactive content, make sure that it is visually appealing and intuitive. Avoid overcomplicating the experience and ensure that users can easily navigate through the content.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to social media marketing. A live video can bring thousands of hits for an e-commerce store, but the same format might not yield any benefit for a coffee shop. So, as a brand, it is important for you to experiment with various types of social media posts and see what resonates best with your audience.
