Email Database Development

Email Database Development

You know your target audience, you have identified how they should be segmented, you’ve created specific messages catering to each segment in your audience – but you’re still missing the most crucial ingredient: a database of potential customers to reach out to. The database cannot just be any random list of email addresses – it needs to fall exactly within your funnel, i.e. your audience, its segments and the relevant messages applicable to them. Your email database, hence, needs to be exactly relevant to you to maximize the chances of a successful email campaign that actually yields results. How do you go on about such a feat? Let’s talk about it.

You have multiple options when it comes to the development of your email database. You can hire an external email list management company that offers pre-made databases and buy or rent a list relevant to you from them. As easy as that may sound, there is a catch: the list is more often than not, already disqualified from reaching inboxes. Think about it: If you had a qualified list of contacts that trusted you with their contact details, would you trust a random third-party with that list? Of course not! Though such email list management services’ providers exist on a large scale, their lists go from one client to another and each email address on that list is constantly bombarded with spam from across the spectrum.
Another disturbing fact about such lists is that they often contain email addresses that are no longer valid. Spam filtering companies deploy softwares that turn such email addresses into spam detectors – an inactive email address that consistently receives traffic becomes a red alert. Instead of returning the email, these email addresses keep the email and instead identify the senders as spammers. Furthermore, such incidents can have a lasting detrimental impact on your online reputation, your IP, and your company’s prestige overall. Your best avenue? Create your own, customized and reliable list.
There are various avenues you can utilize to construct a useful email database. Studies show that 80% of your future sales will come from 20% of our existing clientele, which is why a good starting point to begin building your database will be through your existing clients. Start off by putting subscription links in the email signatures of your employees to subtly create an avenue of subscription every time an email is sent out from your business’ servers.
An additional effective step to take is to develop multiple assets through which people can subscribe to you - in the form of newsletters, e-books, whitepapers, and forums. Creating as wide a net as you can will allow you to cover multiple ends and ensure diversity in your email database. The fact that these individuals are interested and are opting in to receive information and promotions from you is a positive sign in the journey to fully developing your email list.
Utilizing the strategies we outlined for you, we create additional strategies through which we can build, optimize and strengthen your database. It all starts with quality content – it doesn’t matter what you’re selling if your sales pitch isn’t exceptional and if it doesn’t compel your audience to engage with you on a regular basis. Another aspect we prioritize is sharing our emails – obviously, the email’s content and design needs to be superior enough to warrant being shared with friends and co-workers. We encourage sharing by organizing small competitions, offering discounts or simply enlarging the share button! Depending on what your exact needs are, our strategies vary accordingly. One thing we can confidently tell you is that overtime, your subscribers will drastically increase. Ready to see it happen? Talk to us.

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